Please join us for two very special back-to-back dance/vocal performances of the original work internatural 1 by FI Session 3 Artist Nina Waisman. Performances will take place on the shore of primordial Mono Lake, South Tufa Interpretive Trail. See below for precise directions. Or click here for a map of the the area. Performance is free / Space is limited / $3 parking fee per person required in cash. (Please dress for cold temperatures and possible wind.)

September 21, 2019

South Tufa, Mono Lake, California

5:30 p.m. (first performance)

6:45 p.m. (second performance)

internatural 1
A dance/vocal performance at South Tufa, Mono Lake

A small group of aliens arrive at Mono Lake. Where they come from, the way to learn about something is to synchronize with its rhythms and behaviors, to let it tune them from the inside out.

Written and Directed by:
Nina Waisman

Choreographed collaboratively by:

Hyosun Choi (also performing)

Paola Escobar (also performing)

Hyoin Jun (also performing)

Samantha Mohr (also performing)

Nina Waisman

Flora Wiegmann (co-developer of microbial dance language)

Vocal Composition/Performance:
Carmina Escobar

Mono Lake Biology Consultant:
Dr. David Herbst

Produced By:
Forest Island Project
Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory
Nina Waisman

The artists are very grateful for support of all kinds offered by Kiersten Puusemp, Christopher James, Dr. Carol Blanchette, Annie Barrett, Michael Light, Dr. Penelope J. Boston, Dr. Sharmila Bhattacharya, Corina Sanchez, Eric Tymstra, Sherryl Taylor, Kate and Paul Page, Chris Orr, Brian O’Connell, Alice Konitz, Valentine Eastern Sierra Reserves and The Mono Lake Committee.

Upcoming Video:
This performance will feed into a longer sci-fi/dance/nature-nurture/art film created by Nina Waisman and collaborators who’ve contributed to the multi-disciplinary research it relies on. The film will draw on scientific and non-western research into nature, intercutting scenes capturing a wide range of everyday human activity, with scenes conveying the rhapsody of giving full attention to the earth’s other-than-human members. We are excited to pursue an artistic investigation of intelligence across species - in hopes of finding ways to counter the lack of intelligence that has led us to push the earth’s 3.5 billion year experiment with life close to the breaking point.

If you are interested in supporting our related video-in-progress, please contact us. Thank you for helping art get made!!!

Kiersten Puusemp, Director, Forest Island Project:
Christopher James, Board Chair, Forest Island Project:
Nina Waisman:

Directions to Performance Site: South Tufa Interpretive trail, Mono Lake, California, USA
This easily reached site offers spectacular views of the tufa towers and a one-mile, self-guided nature trail. South Tufa is a federal fee area, and national interagency passes are accepted. Park in the parking lot at the red pin on the map linked here, then follow signs for the interpretive trail. (The dotted line that loops to the bay just north of the parking lot is the South Tufa Interpretive Trail. ) Our performance will take place on a crescent shaped bay roughly halfway down this trail. We’ll make it obvious when you arrive in the right place!